Farzana Noor Bindu

Position: Executive Member


Ms. Farzana Noor Bindu is currently a lecturer in College of Business, Prairie View A&M University, Texas. She teaches Business Statistics and Business Math related courses to undergraduate business students. She has always wanted to teach and she is very thankful that she loves her job and hopes to make a difference through her work.

She has completed her BS in Statistics from University of Dhaka. She earned her MBA degree from IBA, University of Dhaka. She worked with Beximco and Nielsen Bangladesh for a few years before settling in USA with her husband. She then pursued her MS in Biostatistics from the University of Texas, School of Public Health. She is currently involved in research projects and has published a number of papers in recent years. Her research interest is sustainable development.

She lives in Cypress, TX with her husband and two kids. Even though she has been living in the USA for over 15 years, she frequently visits Bangladesh and has a deep yearning to contribute to the country where she grew up and has spent many wonderful years of her life.